Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Lesson Learned!

So the other night I was on the phone with the CRA, it was late in the evening and the girls were settling down into their pre-bedtime routine. They were so adorable, cuddled on the couch together each with a cup of milk watching 'Finding Nemo', for the dozenth time.  ( they have a new fascination for aquatic life this week ) I had to grab some paperwork from my office aka our bedroom, so I thought I'd just pop around the corner and dig through my "filing system" which is basically a stack of papers that I assure my husband are in a "organized mess". I was gone for TOPS 90 seconds.... I came around the corner into the kitchen and I noticed little chunks of blond curls on the floor.... on the counter top...on the kitchen table...ARE THOSE MY SCISSORS....Sophia decided to experiment with her creative side, she cut OFF her bangs and gave herself some very short layers...ugh. Poor Ava obviously got caught in the cross fire as she's also sporting a new-do. I politely thanked the CRA agent for all his help, hung up the phone, and started cleaning up the beautiful golden tresses on the floor...Through Tears. Dale assures me its just hair and it'll grow back, I know that, I'm sure its just a motherly reaction, my mom freaked out if I cut my Barbies hair. I guess this is a great lesson for me #1. reorganize the "junk drawer" and all scissors go up, Up, UP. #2. get seatbelts for the couch...kidding. Hope y'all are enjoying your day wherever in the world you may be!